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Quality Gardening Products
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Free Delivery within 25 miles
Quality Gardening Products
Rated Excellent By our Customers
Global Trade of Wood Chips Increased Nearly 50% In The Last 10 Years

Global Trade of Wood Chips Increased Nearly 50% In The Last 10 Years

The global trade in wood chips, which are mainly used by pulp mills to make paper and other products has grown dramatically over the past decade. The increase can be attributed largely on new capacity coming online as well as an overall lack of domestic supplies for raw materials like trees that would produce these items . This situation is not unique only happening here though; similar trends have occurred across many countries around our planetThe recent increase in hardwood chip imports to...

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COVID 19’s Impact On The Gardening Community

COVID 19’s Impact On The Gardening Community

The COVID-19 pandemic has had devastating effects on our society, but it's also given rise to an unexpected boost in the form of home gardening and grow your own. As people were furloughed or forced into isolation during lockdown periods due Earthly disasters like natural instances that caused fear around illness transmission rates increased drastically among those who would not normally be at risk for such ailments - giving them plenty more time outside where they could plant vegetables.What...

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Richardson Garden Supplies Launch New Website

Richardson Garden Supplies Launch New Website

In the last few years, it's become much easier to find quality garden supplies on the internet. And I’m bemused to announce that Richardson Forest Products will now bring both convenience and quality by launching their very own website. This week they launched their new ecommerce website with a delightful range of products. Director of Richardson Garden Supplies Olly Richardson commented explaining customers in the North East can now access an extensive range of high quality garden supplies...

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